
的 Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (绝地武士) initiative at 8590海洋之神官网 (WAC) creates collaborative, inclusive social justice workshops that evolve to meet 我们社区的需求.


在…的领导下 Dr. 翡翠史黛西 and with an eye towards sustainability, the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (绝地武士) initiative develops and delivers learning modules on topics such as microaggressions, 种族主义和压力,以及反种族主义. 来自WAC各地的学生、教师和工作人员 社区设计并提供这些工作坊. 请参阅下面的所有模块目前 通过绝地武士提供.

绝地武士 values active learning, kindness, respect, and continual growth of all participants, 无论他们是绝地武士的领导者、促进者还是参与者. 这些值为 our touchstones and commitment to a socially just world at our core, 绝地武士 seeks to empower members of the WAC community to have the knowledge and confidence they need 为我们的社区和更广阔的世界做出贡献.


[的 减轻(微)侵略 workshop will be available during the Spring 2023 学期.]

这 activity-based workshop focuses on bystander training within (micro)aggression 的情况下. (微)攻击包括从微妙的评论到明显的偏见行为 that can span across all areas of discrimination including gender, race, religion, 还有很多其他的. (微观)侵略在我们的社会中很普遍,并决定了如何 to proceed when witnessing these 的情况下 as a bystander can be difficult.  这 training gives participants the opportunity to learn and practice mitigating various (micro)aggressions, while attempting to preserve the relationship between the aggressed 和侵略者. 减轻(微)攻击是一项不断变化的技能,需要 daily practice, but the tools obtained within this workshop will help participants 在他们成为更好的社区旁观者的过程中.

[的 身份 and 特权 研讨会将于2022年秋季学期举行.]

这 workshop explores the social identities participants may have (including race, gender, sexuality, social class, disability, and others) and the privileges that often 在社会中伴随一些身份.  社会身份是以群体为基础的 或者一个人所属的社区.  这些存在于更大的社会系统中 privilege some identities while oppressing others, in both historical and contemporary 上下文.  参与者将在整个会议期间进行小组讨论. 的 workshop concludes with a discussion of intersectionality, the interaction of various social identities and the ways we experience both oppression and privilege in society, as well as the ways we can better work with others based on the awareness 社会身份,特权,以及对自己和他人的压迫.


本工作坊介绍并探讨反种族主义的概念.  反种族主义是 the continual 过程 through which racism is identified in systems, policies, practices, 态度和行动都是为了消除这种种族主义. 本次研讨会将 introduce the concept of anti-racism and distinguish it from “not being a racist.”  会话 will then present and explore examples of “non-racist” policies and discuss actions that could be taken to transition these policies to being anti-racist. 被 反种族主义是一个积极的过程. 本工作坊旨在为参加者提供 the opportunity to start this 过程 or further evolve along the anti-racist continuum by fostering a safe space for the exploration of racism and anti-racism at levels 从个人到系统.

[的 勇敢的谈话 研讨会将于2022年秋季学期举行.]

A courageous conversation is when we decide to enter a dialogue with someone ab出 与权力、特权、不平等和/或压迫有关的问题. 这次会议 is designed to provide participants with the tools to engage in difficult conversations around areas of identity – particularly regarding people from marginalized backgrounds. 会话 begins by establishing issues that may be barriers to having a courageous 打开行李前的对话可以打破这些障碍.  会话 takes participants through a series of scenarios and works with participants to identify ways to have productive, constructive, and positive courageous conversations. 的 goal of a courageous conversation is not to change someone’s mind, but to open someone’s mind to different perspectives and ways of life, so they may approach future 的情况下 更有同理心,更敏感,更能意识到差异.


本工作坊旨在为参加者提供 the knowledge and skills to successfully navigate issues around gender identity, gender expression and pronoun usage with confidence. Participants will learn basic vocabulary ab出 gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, and pronouns and have the opportunity to learn more ab出 gender identities in a low-risk space where it is okay to make mistakes during the learning 过程. 参与者将学习如何创建基本协议和策略 更加包容所有性别认同和表达. 参加者将获得 opportunity to take a second part of this session that builds upon skills gained in part one to better assess pedagogy, procedure, and institutional language around gender 身份与性别表达.


种族主义和压力 研讨会将于2022年秋季学期举行.]

Marginalized communities more frequently encounter stress-inducing 的情况下 than 那些没有受到歧视的人. 本节课将讨论慢性压力源如何 of discrimination, racism, and associated traumatic events negatively impact physical 心理健康. 所呈现的内容调查了生物学,社会学,和 psychological impacts of stress on the body and how stressors associated with racism 而且歧视可以代代相传. 研讨会将 provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on how racism and discriminatory practices in our society perpetuate these cycles of stress and what can be done to 帮助打破这些循环.


WAC students, faculty, and staff should monitor their WAC inboxes for announcements ab出 upcoming open 绝地武士 workshops, as well as for information on how to sign up.

To request a closed session for your group – a class, a club, a dorm, a fraternity, 等. – or if you are external to 8590海洋之神官网, please reach 出 to us through 出 触点形式 这样我们才能合作.


If you would like to request a session for your group, come onboard as a facilitator, 或提供反馈或提出问题,请通过我们的 触点形式.