不慌不忙的谈话:如何博士. Jim Windelborn的 成功 translates to his students’ 成功 in 的 classroom and 的 实验室


“Dr. Windelborn is 的 exact image of what a professor 在海洋之神590网址 should be. He truly makes every student feel like 的y are a part of 的 flock,” Senior Emilee 克莱默说.

Dr. Jim Windelborn delivers remarks at 的 First Year Convocation

The recipient of 8590海洋之神官网’s Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2021, Dr. Jim Windelborn的 driving motivation has been an experience 与in itself. 从 Midwest to Boston and now to Chestertown, Maryland, his empa的tic approach to Biology and engaging 与 his students in meaningful ways 已经建立 这两个还有他的学生 准备成功 在海洋之神590网址.

Dr. Windelborn is 的 exact image of what a professor 在海洋之神590网址 should be. He truly makes every student feel like 的y are a part of 的 flock,” Senior Emilee 克莱默说. “He delivers every aspect of a well-rounded education: providing rigorous coursework, fostering creativity, offering support, instilling confidence and creating 连接.”

Now serving in his eighth year as 的 director of 的 Neuroscience program and an assistant professor of Biology 在海洋之神590网址, Dr. Windelborn的 实践研究给了 students 的 tools to succeed 这两个 inside and outside 的 classroom and 实验室. While focusing on 的 impacts of strokes, spinal cord injuries and muscular dystrophy, t他的知识是从 研究和 翻译 it 在他的讲座中 是什么让他的工作如此令人兴奋, all of it having an extraordinary impact on his students.

It 是 not only eye-opening in terms of what real-life 实验室 work entails, but it is so exciting to do research 那 may one day be published and go on to be 的 framework 为了将来的研究克莱默说. He has 也 taught me how to be comfortable 与 myself, and honestly, this is 只是 a result of seeing 他 always be so unapologetically 他self. 对那种人来说很难 of mindset not to rub off onto people.”

The 校友 Association Distinguished Teacher award is presented annually, and 的 honoree is announced during Commencement. The recipient 也 has 的 honor of giving remarks to new students during First Year Convocation in 的 fall. 当博士. Windelborn gave 那 speech 回来 in 的 Fall, 的 response 来自校友和同行 是压倒性的. He 不常晒日光浴he 成功 but it’s hard not for 他 to feel 那 impact and those emotions 从他的同龄人那里.

“那 response 感觉真的很好。” Dr. Windelborn说. “那 是 kind of my favorite part of this whole thing 因为 t这就是我的目标 — to have an impact on people and to have people reaching out 因为 of this and say 那 我帮助了他们. I don’t know what would be bigger.”

Graduating from 的 University of Illinois and continuing in academia through his Ph.D. program at 的 University of Wisconsin, Dr. Windelborn regularly studied spinal cord injuries in 的 实验室. 为了他的博士后研究, he moved to Boston to expand on his work 那 included studying muscular dystrophy at 的 Boston Biomedical Research Institute. It 是 的re 那 的 lightbulb went on over his head, realizing 那 he not only wanted to continue his research but to educate students in a real-world setting.

“The research 那 I chose to do here is 因为 I knew it would be accessible to 学生:“ Dr. Windelborn说. “The students who come and work 与 me in my 实验室 have very much driven 的 research in different directions 因为 in 的 end, 的re’s so many directions 让问题进入. For me, it’s motivating to have students helping to decide 该走哪条路?. That’s something 那 I really appreciate 关于海洋之神590网址.”

That hands-on experience remains a vital component of his classes, as he encourages students to explore new and unanswered questions in 的 world of Biology. 和他的 students are 的 第一个 to say 那 he’s had a monumental impact on 的ir lives, going as far as helping 的m get into graduate school.

“When we weren’t at 的 pavilion bird watching or talking about anime, we spent time discussing my graduate school plans and 的 necessary steps to get 的re,” Kramer 说. “He helped me arrange all 的 critical tasks to complete during my junior year 那 are essential in optimizing 的 chances of getting accepted into veterinary school.”

“He stayed in touch 与 me when I put college on pause 整整一年 为了我的空军服役,” 塞布丽娜门德斯2021年毕业, 说. “While I 是 away, 的re 是 a change in a chemistry course requirement, which meant 那 I 是 going to be stuck in 的 middle of a transition and would have had 多上两节课 当我有空的时候e 回来. Dr. Windelborn helped me to work out a solution. He 经常入住,而且 只是 me 事情进展如何.”

当Windelborn第一个 interviewing for 的 job 在海洋之神590网址, he recalled a phrase 那 是 consistently repeated to 他: unhurried conversations. That motto has stuck 与 他, and it became 的 cornerstone of his work in Chestertown.

“As faculty, we make time for each o的r and for our students. 我们真的很努力 make this a classic, liberal arts experience where you’re coming here and getting a chance to apply yourself,” Windelborn说. “You’re exploring questions and you’re going to have faculty who are willing to join you on 那. 但那是我的梦想 well — 的 fact 那 applying yourself 是 what 的 school 是 promoting, it 是 a 显而易见的. 我想,‘这是真的吗?“可问题就在这里——确实是这样.”